Shout out to the amazing Compass crew who showed up to Depave Paradise! A small but mighty crew contributed to an exciting Green Up project happening between No Frills and the pathway beside the river by Millennium Park by helping to depave the area so it can be planted up with greenery and reclaimed as more park space.
I was so impressed by the persistence and teamwork shown, and feel proud to call these folks my colleagues!
Here’s more about the project from Ptbo Greenup:
The efforts you made today are the start of the creation a huge rain garden at this site which will allow the water to filter naturally through the soil. Rain gardens are created to capture rain water and funnel it through the garden’s soil as a natural filtration system. This can help mitigate urban flooding and help reduce the amount of, potentially polluted, urban run-off reaching the waterways.
With our Depave Paradise site for this year being so close to the Otonabee River it really reinforces the fact that rain gardens and green spaces in urban environments can help protect our water and prevent our cities stormwater systems being overloaded.
~ Hanah