Reuse Repurpose Creative Materials Project
The REUSE REPURPOSE PROJECT provides children, educators, families and artists with rich resources for exploration, creativity and educational endeavours from unwanted manufacturing by-products. This CELC initiative supports the environment through waste reduction and contributes to the education of young children.

At Compass ELC we believe in resource rich environments enhanced with many interesting materials. A wide collection of materials, with many different attributes, offers unlimited possibilities for engaging and inventing play. This type of play encourages creativity and ingenuity; skills that serve our children well today and set the foundations for success in an undetermined ever-evolving world.

“When children interact with loose parts they enter a world of “what if” that promotes the type of thinking that leads to problem solving and theoretical reasoning. Loose parts enhance children’s ability to think imaginatively and see solutions, and they bring a sense of adventure and excitement to children’s play.”
~Lisa Daly & Marium Beloglovsky,Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young Children

Imagine being in partnership with a progressive community organization that takes typically discarded materials and uses them as a rich resource for exploration, creativity and educational endeavors. Help us shape this project for a chance to support the environment through waste reduction, contribute to the education of young children and save money in your waste disposal costs, reach out to us today!
Connect with us via email at or call 705-927-5241

About Us
Compass ELC is a progressive, non-profit organization that works collaboratively to provide excellence in early learning and care. We are seen as a leader on our Province for early learning and care with 40 child care programs as well as 50 home child care centres in the City of Kawartha Lakes, Region of Durham, Northumberland County, and the City & County of Peterborough.
For more than 30 years, with over 2500 families within our organization, we have been growing and expanding our vision of early learning and child care as well as enhancing our learning environments to truly honour our belief in children as competent and full of wonder.
Frequently Asked Questions
Materials Initiative featured in the Media
We spoke with Peterborough Currents about the Atelier. Click here to read the article and see the photos.
Hayden Watters from CBC visited our Materials Initiative Atelier space. Check out his visit captured here.