Sun Safety Tips!

May 29, 2015

Sun Safety Tips!

Now that spring has sprung and our children are outdoors more, it’s time to think about sun safety.

Using sunscreen is recommended for children and adults, but you will often read it is not recommended for babies – why are babies not included in sun protection?  Much information that we see states not to use sunscreen on babies younger than 6 months. The Canadian Pediatric Society does not recommend using sunscreen on babies as it is not tested for safety on young babies.

A good sunscreen will have the Canadian Dermatology Association Logo on the container.

Sun Safety tips:

  • Dress children of all ages in long loose clothing, a hat and sunglasses.
  • Encourage children to drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
  • Keep babies out of direct sunlight for their first year:
    • Keep your baby in shaded areas
    • Keep sensitive spots covered
    • Use a canopy on your stroller
    • Speak to your pediatrician about applying sunscreen on your baby
    • Test sunscreen on a small area before applying it all over your baby’s skin
  • Avoid sunscreens that are combined with insect repellants

For more helpful tips around sun safety check out the Peterborough Health Unit website at they have many links.