~ Steph Springett, Pedagogical Lead, Peterborough Program

It has been wonderful to observe the anticipation and patience of educators upon reopening child care. The energy, love, dedication and joy shown during the first few weeks we have been open has been so admirable. Educators entered inspired and fulfilled. Evidence of the educator’s passion is not only seen, but also felt in each classroom through their invitations and offerings to their children each day.
We have noticed a thread of learning between classrooms. Curiosities have stemmed from immersing ourselves in nature, taking a look at the world through a new lens. Our time apart has only grown our bonds closer and lower ratios have allowed for for more time to delve into a deeper level of thinking with the children. The pedagogy happening within our community has been thrilling and exciting. Secret pathways have led us to wonder about the magic to be discovered in a butterfly field and a woodsy park. We are fostering a new level of appreciation and love for our earth, harvesting veggies, finding little rock treasures in the grass, as well as catching and releasing bugs, specifically grasshoppers.

We have noticed this time apart has also grown the children’s natural curiosities and attention to detail. We want to continue to nurture and grow this in our children by offering mindful experiences, live inquiries and explorations with a strong focus of being outdoors and building connections.
“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child, there are seven-million.”
-Walt Straightiff
Research is a big part of our culture and pedagogy. We strongly believe in deepening our practice and committing to continuing our own learning journey alongside the children, therefore we practice teacher research. As a team we are asking ourselves; What is capturing the children’s natural curiosities in nature? What are the details they are noticing? What is exciting the children, and what connections are emerging?

Both children and families are eager, joyful and excited to arrive in the morning. They are thankful to be welcomed into the space each day. The children are buzzing when they go home about everything they did during their time with us, at their home away from home. The resiliency the children have shown during this short time back has been incredible. The future is bright, we are the light and we are stronger together!