Archie Stouffer School Age Program

Details for Archie Stouffer School Age Program

Location: Minden Ontario at Archie Stouffer Elementary School
Ages: 3.8 months to 12 years

Contact 705-854-1123 or email:

Come join the fun as we engage in rich learning experiences that connect with children’s ideas and curiosities. This program is located within Archie Stouffer Elementary School and offers before and after school care, as well as during school breaks.

We will spend time together collaborating and investigating as we explore nature, enjoy art, sports, games and exciting science experiments & prepare and share healthy snacks with friends.


Pricing & Cost

Application Details

Please use the application form below.

This Location is not accepting new students.

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Location Details

7:00 a.m. to Beginning school bell. Ending school bell to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday
Minden, ON, Canada
Registered Early Childhood Educator

Programs Available

This is a School Based Program.

Kindergarten School Age (3.8 to 6 years)
School Age (6 to 12 years)
Accommodates Allergies

Schools Nearby

Archie Stouffer Elementary School

Meals & Snacks

Meals and snacks are prepared on-site by our cook following Canadian Food Guides and Compass Early Learning and Care’s Nutrition Policy.