CELC Admin Contacts

Administration Office

Ashley Collins

Co-CEO/Corporate Link: Board of Directors, Corporate

Email: acollins@compasselc.com

Extension: 223

Sheila Olan-MacLean

Corporate Link: Support for culture leads,
corporate, Board of Directors, media,
coaching conversations

Email: solan@compasselc.com

Extension: 214

Victoria Maw

Administration and Corporate Coordinator: Supports with administration, corporate policies, and the Board of Directors

Email: victoriamaw@compasselc.com

Extension: 304

Katy McGillen

Finance Lead – Peterborough, Northumberland: budgeting, financial analysis and other general financial coaching/consultation

Email: katymcgillen@compasselc.com

Extension: 237

Aaron Daley

Finance Lead CKL and Durham Region: budgeting, financial analysis and other general financial coaching/consultation

Email: aarondaley@compasselc.com

Extension: 220

Krysta Sage

Finance – AP – CKL, Haliburton, Durham: Parent App, accounts receivable/payable and any other general inquiries
Vendor Receipts, Visa Statements,
Mileage and expense reimbursement forms,
purchasing support

Email: ksage@compasselc.com

Extension: 225

Faith Allen

Finance AP- Peterborough, Northumberland Region: Accounts Receivables and Payables, Parent App, Subsidy, and all other general inquiries 

Email: faithallen@compasselc.com

Extension: 232

Jenny Cullen

Human Relations Link: Support for culture leads,
coaching, mentoring, staff connection support,
WSIB/LTD Leaves, First Aid

Email: jcullen@compasselc.com

Extension: 215

Sarah McDowell

Finance & HR Coordinator – Payroll/Benefits

Email: sarahmcdowell@compasselc.com

Extension: 224

Amy Starmans

Payroll/Benefits Coordinator: ADP Support, Benefits


Extension: 235

Marsha Matson

Recruitment and Onboarding Coordinator

Email: mmatson@compasselc.com

Extension: 245

Ryan Heath

Human Relations Coordinator : Recruitment, Staff Requisitions,
Resumes/New Staff, Staff Files, password resets,
Health and Safety

Email: rheath@compasselc.com

Extension: 217

Ashley Adamson

Human Relations Administrative Coordinator:

Email: aadamson@compasselc.com

Hanah McFarlane

Communications Link: internal & external communications, promotional material, PD/events coordination, website updates, diversity, equity & inclusion, coaching conversations & facilitation

Email: hmcfarlane@compasselc.com

Extension: 218

Simal Iftikhar

Communications Coordinator: Supports with internal and external communications, marketing materials, events, advocacy, justice, equity, diversity & inclusion, and community connections

Email: simaliftikhar@compasselc.com

Extension: 218

Jason Adam

Corporate & Information Systems Coordinator: Information technology

Email: jasonadam@compasselc.com

Extension: 214

Lorrie McGee Baird

Pedagogical Link: support for pedagogical leads,
PD support, external PD opportunities, consulting,
coaching conversations

Email: lmcgeebaird@compasselc.com

Extension: 211

Anna Jennings

Outdoor Program Coordinator: Focusing on the visioning, preparation, expansion and implementation of Compass ELC Outdoor Initiatives including the Forest and Nature program.

Email: ajennings@compasselc.com

Extension: 242

Emily Recoskie (on Leave)

Outdoor Program Coordinator: Focusing on the visioning, preparation, expansion and implementation of Compass ELC Outdoor Initiatives including the Forest and Nature program.

Email: emilyrecoskie@compasselc.com

Extension: 242

Jill Wickins

Operations Link: Support for admin leads, operations and licensing support, operational side of Parent App support, scheduling support,
program development coaching conversations

Email: jwickins@compasselc.com

Extension: 228

Bethany Carter

Pedagogical Lead, SA

Email: bcarter@compasselc.com

Extension: 233

Breanna Tully

Pedagogical & Culture School Age Lead: pedagogical and cultural lead to support Peterborough’s 11 school-age programs, including leading professional development opportunities and mentoring culture conversations

Email: btully@compasselc.com

Extension: 233

Amanda Smith

Peterborough School Age: Helping support the 11 before and after school programs located in and surrounding Peterborough

Email: schoolage@compasselc.com

Extension: 231

Kirsty Mason

Durham School Age Lead

Email: kmason@compasselc.com

Durham Office

Madison Masciole (on Leave)

Admin & Culture School Age Lead:

Email: mmasciole@compasselc.com


Jenny Duley

Home Child Care Consultant

Email: jduley@compasselc.com

Extension: 226

April Williams

Durham Home Childcare Coordinator/Home Visitor:



Lisa Miles

Home Child Care Consultant

Email: lmiles@compasselc.com

Extension: 222

Amanda Davidson

Home Child Care Coordinator/Admin Lead: Billing, subsidy, waitlist inquiries, and Home Child Care Provider support


Extension: 244

Amanda Camacho

Home Child Care Consultant: Support Provider’s who are licensed with Compass Early Learning and Care in Peterborough and Peterborough County.  Offering mentorship related to licensing and curriculum making and supporting where needed


Extension: 216

Sandi Ashton

Home Child Care Admin Lead:

Email: sashton@compasselc.com


Sara Ashley

Project Coordinator: Sara works as a Project Coordinator across all regions with the Home Child Care team. The project, Home Child Care Expansion in Central Ontario, is funded by the Federal Ministry of Women and Gender Equality Canada and aims to create sustainable licensed Home Child Care programs.

Email: saraashley@compasselc.com

Extension: 239

Angela Hoar

Materials Initiative Coordinator


Extension: 212

Tash Chase

WAGE Coordinator

Email: tashchase@compasselc.com

Val McGee

Janet Castle Admin Lead

Email: janetcastle@compasselc.com

Extension: 210